Paid Internship in the United States of America

Working in St Louis amongst people from various parts of the world and being immersed in the Southern charm and culture the city is renowned for, was a reality for a student from HIEU thanks to a special paid internship program. In the summer of 2012 alone, 38 HIEU students spent many memorable months working and living in the US as part of this special initiative.

HIEU has, since 2008, cooperated with the China Service Center for Friendship and Cooperation with Foreign Countries to sponsor a paid internship program. The first group of interns arrived in the US in June 2009. Approved by the Fulbright Hayes Act of 1961, the program provides opportunities for students to set foot on American soil, experience American life, improve their English, broaden their horizons, and work in American enterprises alongside the local people and other international students.

Interns are assigned basic positions and responsibilities where they work alongside the local citizens as well as their counterparts from different countries to complete daily tasks. While challenging and daunting at times, the entire experience has helped shape the young students into confident and self-assured young adults ready for other global adventures.

HIEU’s philosophy, which is summarized as “See the World, Learn from the World, Explore the World", helps ensure students are consistently exposed to different cultures and experiences.

More than 150 students at HIEU have participated in this program since its introduction in 2009.