Art & Design

The School of Art and Design has established close links with world renowned design institutions including NABA Academy and the Domus Academy of Art and Design in Italy, as well as the Santa Fe University of Art and Design and the NewSchool of Architecture and Design in the United States of America, to provide students with world-class art and design courses and face-to-face guidance from foreign design masters in China. Students even have opportunities to travel to Italy, the USA, New Zealand and other developed fashion and design hubs where they can experience the latest the vibrant sector has to offer.

The School’s curriculum includes three-dimensional and two-dimensional animation creation and production, interior design, landscape design, visual communication, product design, and more. It has laboratories for animation, sculpture, materials, models, costume work and other functions as well as a display window of 490m2 to showcase students’ works. Graduates are provided with opportunities to work in leading domestic animation production companies, TV stations, interior design companies and industrial product development companies.

In 2012, the School established a training base with Hunan Huashi Zuobiao Media & Animation Co., Ltd. to hone graduate employability skills and upgrade the teaching skills of the faculty.